Cool Calm Pete Coming Soon???

17 July 2012

Mystery man speaks through puppets. More soon.

7 Responses to “Cool Calm Pete Coming Soon???”

  1. ab says:

    I can NOT WAIT for some new CCP material!

  2. TK says:

    Pete, the fans have been waiting. Lost has been in my rotation since ’05, still not sick of it, but please would ya bless us with some new material cause we’re all dyin’ to hear it.

  3. Frozen grapes, steamed kale, carrot coconut curry, plantains and black beans – all served over a new CCP record. CCP, you’re an excellent creator. Love Life.

  4. DCA says:

    There are two things I want to see before I die: 1) A Despot album, 2) A CCP followup album. I searched Nervous Romance on Google though and found out that it’s been rumored since 2010 so my hopes are not high.

  5. Bertandafart says:

    What’s the word on this Pete project? Just waiting…

  6. funkfoot says:


    Just do it man, nike that shit. Hit up Aes and do a collab while your at it..

    2 loyal fans with love.

  7. Sandwich says:

    Pete, it’s okay to hone a craft and put it down later for something else. As long as you’re happy. But it would be cool to see another album man

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