How To Set Fire To Your Apartment

18 January 2011

Living room rap from King Guttah the 1st. This lil video by Cavalier captures the rare moment between writing and recording, when you’re just working on perfecting the flow. The moment when you just have to put the beat on and let people know what you’ve been working on.

Mr. Guttah also raps on an old EP that I made that you can get for free here.

Friday Listening For Safe Travels

14 January 2011

Sorry for the crappy visual… I tried to upload the song to Soundcloud and just have a player here but they said I was violating copyright laws. Everything we do violates copyright laws.

Anyway, in keeping with Scott’s theme earlier this week: more Music For Airports.

For those in transit today: Travel safe and travel light.

= baje

Search Engine Chum With Your Host Susan Z. Anthony!

12 January 2011

I would honestly like to know what makes a person take the time to create a mundane video like this, and upload it to Youtube for the whole world to see.

Modern Shark Rapido Steam Party?

Susan Z. Anthony


11 January 2011

I get my inspiration from… Erik Satie, most notably his piano work.

Erik Satie, 17 May 1866 – 1 July 1925, (rest in peace sir) is my favorite composer. In fact, I like his music and life (I can’t separate the two) so much that some of my friends poke fun at my admiration. That’s cool, people like my music, I live with a wonderful woman in a dope apartment, I eat good everyday and I look great in a suit. Make fun all you want puppies, I’m good – however I reserve the right to resent you for an unreasonable amount of time.

Anyways, Erik Satie! Around the time me and Mike McGuire dropped “A Simple Night Of Dancing With The Boys And Girls Club”, I met this girl who wanted to sing on my beats. She couldn’t sing though. Never made any music, but she emailed me Saties’ piano triptych “Three Gymnopedies” as a means to inspire my beats. Holy shit did they ever. I listened to them, especially part one and three on repeat for an entire summer. I hated my job, and my lunch breaks were spent sitting in a park, contemplating how much I hated everything. Then I’d put on some Satie and life was marvelous for twenty minutes. Mike McGuire turned out to like Satie as well and put me on to more of his piano stuff. Admittedly I wasn’t really feeling his orchestral stuff, though Satie did provide music for a ballet with sets designed by a young Pablo Picasso, who was never called an asshole.

Read the rest of this entry »

It’s 2011 And We Own Our Masters (Pt. 2)

10 January 2011

(Shout out to Ese!) Modern Shark is proud to announce the re-issue of JUNK SCIENCE’s second album “Gran’dad’s Nerve Tonic” in a superhype 17-track Deluxe Edition! Bonus goodies include “Tellin Lies (feat. KRAYO)”, the remix to “Hey!” featuring THE BOYS & GIRLS CLUB (previously available only as a single), and the J. HOWELLS WERTHMAN remix of “That Being Said (feat. ILLER THAN THEIRS)” (previously available only in the Def Jux store). BOOM!

Gran'dad's Nerve Tonic (Deluxe Edition) - Junk Science

or listen and buy on Bandcamp (cheaper!)

“Gran’dad’s Nerve Tonic” was originally released in October of 2007 on Definitive Jux through a license from Embedded Music. The album was released digitally, and on CD, and in alcohol form through a sweet collaboration with Brooklyn’s very own Sixpoint Craft Ales. The beer, an imperial red ale, weighed in at 9% alcohol and tasted like very good weed. Everyone loved the beer. Some people seemed to like the album too! We (along with ILLER THAN THEIRS) got to tour with Del The Funky Homosapien and Devin The Dude. We also were transformed into puppets for the Hey! video. Fun times.

Now, 3 years later, we’re in control of the masters once again. So when you cop the Deluxe Edition of GNT, that money goes straight to us, which makes everyone feel great. Thanks again to Ese Ferguson for believing in (and investing in) Junk Science. You are the man.

Free On Friday: IMPOSSIBLE NOTHING “Montechristo”

7 January 2011

Our homie IMPOSSIBLE NOTHING aka DARWIN FROST aka DR. SHENNANIGANS aka FIGHTER aka THE MAN OF MANY NAMES just released another free beat tape, or rather “a fictional storytape”. Like Tone said after hearing the last one, it makes me want to rap. You should listen to it if only because the first song is called “Bigboy Creditcard” (genius). Oh, and as a very special bonus, the album download comes with a PDF booklet with some beautiful art by Bracken Hanuse-Corlett. Peep:


More visual awesome from Bracken here.

Have a good weekend yall,

= baje

You Too Can Look Gangster In A Shark Tee

6 January 2011

Shouts to Scott from Texas for sending this in. Thanks homie.

Shark tees available in the store.

SNAFU’s Dispatch: This Is A Real Thing

5 January 2011

Me and Snaf were walking down Flatbush Avenue a few minutes ago and we were looking in the window of this newsstand and there was a headline on F.E.D.S. magazine about how this drug kingpin terrorized everyone in his neighborhood and made them call him God.

Snafu: “That’s awesome. I mean, it’s terrible, but it’s awesome.”

Baje: “Things can be both terrible and awesome.”

Snafu: “Right. Like those White Castle slider-scented candles.”

Baje: “True.”

Which reminded me how Snaf had sent me a picture of an ad for said sliders. Happy Wednesday everybody!

Year-End Shark-Centric Blog-Love

4 January 2011

My uncle Dave bought me this recorder for Christmas. A recorder is a good instrument to give to a small child, or to someone like me who, despite having released like 5 albums, has close to zero understanding of how music actually works…

Anyway, it’s 2011. 2010 is yesterday’s news. I did a quick bit of googling and here’s a few shout-outs that we got in yesterday’s news:

- COOL CALM PETE’s “Over You” in Impose Magazine’s best mixtapes of 2010

- JUNK SCIENCE’s “A.M.K.O.M.” in Lesson Six’s top 10 albums of 2010

- BATSAUCE’s “Summertime” in Whiskey Teeth’s top 10 free albums of 2010

- TONE TANK & SCOTT THOROUGH in Amoeba Blog/Billy Jam’s top hip hop of 2010