2 May 2010

Do as SOULCROM says… DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, PRE-ORDER the new Junk Science album…

BAJE ONE Is The Good Cop

1 May 2010

We know that SOULCROM has been running around voidworld and the internet telling people NOT to pre-order the album, but come on… Do as BAJE ONE says… GO AHEAD AND PRE-ORDER the new Junk Science album…

Instant Cities

22 April 2010

<a href="">Tender Moments In The Funny Part Of Town by Modern Shark</a>

Instant Cities is Eamon Hamill, once of Hoboken, now of Prague, who makes music with an assemblage of machines which will eventually become sentient and destroy everything good he’s sought to create.

The evolving musical style takes elements from folk, hip-hop, motel-lounge crooning and various electronic genres, and is possibly best described as “those experiments which haven’t  gone wrong”. The lyrics often feature hazy narratives in surreal, half-remembered cityscapes and and joyful rants about the fraying of societal fabrics. The overarching idea behind Instant Cities is to make music that reflects the universal beauty and paranoia of urban places.

“Tender Moments In The Funny Part of Town” and “Coping With Shed Fires” are out now on Modern Shark, with other long-titled songs to follow.

+download “Tender Moments” b/w “Coping With Shed Fires”