Baje & J. Howells Werthman Interview In Stereo Subversion

2 March 2011

“After a 20 year friendship, Jesse and Mike — a.k.a. J. Howells Werthman and Baje One (from Junk Science) — finally made their first record together with 2010’s late release, What’s It Gonna Be? And if you’ve heard the results, you know how unbelievable it is that this stunning collaboration hasn’t happened before. Werthman’s instrumentals and Baje’s signature delivery combine for a cool yet captivating listen.

Yet our conversation took a different turn, from focusing on turning 30 to forming a record label, Baje and Jesse dish on the year to come and ruminate on when to call it quits. In the process, they laugh, get serious and discuss their modest hopes along the way.”

Click here to read the interview.

Or click here to listen to the record.

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