Happy (Belated) Birthday Kray

10 March 2011

Happy belated birthday to Kray who is a very good friend and a very good rapper. I love you homie. Click on any of the record covers below for free downloads of Kray’s musics. And who knows, maybe there’ll be some new music someday soon. Who knows…


4 Responses to “Happy (Belated) Birthday Kray”

  1. [...] Is What It Is” by Iller Than Theirs Thanks to our friends at Modern Shark we know how that the 10th of March is Kray’s birthday. Well, we’ll take any excuse to [...]

  2. Susan Z. Anthony says:

    Kray is a very good rapper.

  3. Jaybeesh says:

    happy late-late birthday. Iller Than Theirs got me into Nuk Fam back in ’07. Following Radiobelly got me into Cav, MC K-Swift, Starpower, and a lot more.

    Since then, I’ve bought every release I could get my hands on. Big Urban was an amazing project. “Point of No Return” racked up so many plays for me.

    Dude’s efforts got me into A LOT of music I wouldn’t have found otherwise. Thanks, Kray.

  4. Lee says:

    I saw radiobelly and downloaded Wash Rinse Repeat EP in 2009. I still keep it in heavy rotation. Then found Tone Tank. Then found Junk Science…. etc

    Kray is a gifted lyricist and rapper. I am looking forward to future work.

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