JUNK SCIENCE at the Dollar Store in Flatbush!

2 September 2010

Who needs a © SLAP CHOP when it’s so much fun to TAP THAT?!

So me and Snafu went to one of the myriad dollar stores in Flatbush yesterday morning. Apparently before we could start editing our new video we needed to find Snaf some 99 cent basketball jerseys in various colors. And there was no way I would be able to work without a bunch of new ice trays and a matching I LOVE JESUS / JESUS LOVES ME mug set.

Whilst we were there we saw some other great stuff that needed to be iphone-photographed. A lot of questions were also answered. For example, lets say you’re a dependable gent, but it’s raining outside, what on earth should you wear?

BOOM! Question answered! That guy looks like a scientist, plus it’s electronically welded!

Perhaps the weirdest item we found was this one right here… but it does beg THE question… one of the oldest questions that human beings have ever pondered: WHO DEY KIDS?

After taking these photos, Snaf sent them immediately to our homie Kim aka Suzan Z. Anthony aka the founder of many a fun website, including 99 Sense, where she plunders discount stores across this great nation for their “forgotten gems and hilarious treasures.” If you’re looking for hours of internet-based hilariosity, check out 99 Sense.

One Response to “JUNK SCIENCE at the Dollar Store in Flatbush!”

  1. 100dBs says:

    I should do a similar excursion to MiniMax in Sunset Park. Ill finds for cheap.

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