The limited-edition, custom-molded, soft-rubber USB flash drive is here! Get yours now!
The drive comes fully-stocked with “Phoenix Down”, PLUS the album’s instrumentals, AND the acapellas, AND a bonus folder of EXCLUSIVE remixes and EXTRA goodies, courtesy of your good friends at Modern Shark. Cop it in the Shark Shoppe.
Isn’t it beautiful? Don’t you want to own one?
The drive comes in a special brown velvet pouch accented with gold leaf ink. You buy it.
(special thanks to J.P. Prewitt, the world’s greatest hand model)
Too bad it’ll be the first Junk Science album without a Cool Calm Pete featuring, but I’m sure the album the will still rock my socks off!
Keep doing your thing, Junk Science (+ friends!)
Word. I can’t wait till it arrives in the mail!