Potty Time: Excellent… SNAFU Blogs For Impose Magazine!

29 September 2010

With a title like that, you kinda have to CLICK HERE TO READ THE PIECE

SNAFU Takes A Photo – BAJE Tells A Story

28 September 2010

Looking for a new direction in what has been a largely empty existence, Hamburglar tries his hand at conceptual sculpture art in order to give us a glimpse into a frightening alternate reality where the world runs out of Happy Meals.

Everything – from the blue tint of the children to their disparate arrangement on the rocks – was visually recorded verbatim from Ronald McDonald’s pre-frontal cortex during a chemically-induced ‘perpetual’ REM sleep using state-of-the-art military technology. The mind-photo was then electrically transmitted through Hamburglar, allowing the Beef Thief a chance to put his own spin on the piece.

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Cool Calm Pete “The Food Theme”

27 September 2010


Cool Calm Pete’s food tape. This came out last year, but it was taken down from the internets for some reason.

If I may be so bold, I might suggest you pair it with a nice Pinot Noir.

Happy Friday From Mikey Shark & Carey Mahoney!

24 September 2010

(photo by Ro Agents)

Among other peculiarities, the homie Cavalier has this strange theory in which all of his rap friends correspond to characters from the Police Academy films.

In this theory, I was always Mahoney (the lovable yet dependable rogue of the force, as played by the one and only Steve Guttenberg).

Cav’s theory is finally proven. Or at least validated in the eyes of Science and/or THE INTERNET.

Sidenote: I look like a monkey in this picture, a medium-drunk monkey – look at the tilt on that glass of sangria…

Everybody be safe this weekend and come back next week for more music.

JUNK SCIENCE “Miraculous Machines (Linda Gold) (feat. Gene Stovall)”

21 September 2010

Directed by Lizzy Sullivan

Edited by Junk Science

Gene Stovall is the one-man choir that you hear on the chorus. He truly blessed us.

Dedicated to Linda Gold, one of our last true magicians


21 September 2010

I like a video with a mood. This one definitely has a mood. I wish this video went all the way through to the end of the second verse, but no matter, this is fresh anyway.

“Careful who you lock eyes with / Some got vampire grips”

Vito Fun Pics From The Scott & Tone Release Jam!

20 September 2010

Rap Bazooka.

There had been a tornado like 2 hours before the doors opened. This was a few blocks away from the club.

But the storm couldn’t keep Serengeti from rap flying.

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Tornado In Brooklyn

17 September 2010

Vito Fun on the pic.

The sky turned green.

Shout out to everybody who came through to the show despite the crazy storm. It would’ve been an easy night to stay in, I know.

But something beautiful happened at Southpaw last night. Shouts to Dave Serengeti, Safe, Dillon, and the whole team.


16 September 2010

ALSO APPEARING, fresh off the plane from ATL: DILLON!

flyer by Tone Tank

SNAFU’s Dispatch… This One Speaks For Itself, No?

15 September 2010

Dear World,

I’m sorry I had to post this, but there was no way around it.

Happy Wednesday!

=  baje