What is Snafu doing in this picture?
He’s life guarding on the best side of the lake. PV
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Modern Shark, junk science. junk science said: What is Snafu doing in this picture? http://modernshark.com/snafu-camp-2 http://fb.me/FqsRBo58 [...]
Enforcing the strict “NO hands used while swimming” policy by going after a rebel who dared to flout the rules.
Slowly realizing his dream of being this guy: http://www.layoutlocator.com/graphics/dldimg/c1ac7cf823d06372fc1bd3279e635798_knife-mouth.jpg
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He’s life guarding on the best side of the lake. PV
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Modern Shark, junk science. junk science said: What is Snafu doing in this picture? http://modernshark.com/snafu-camp-2 http://fb.me/FqsRBo58 [...]
Enforcing the strict “NO hands used while swimming” policy by going after a rebel who dared to flout the rules.
Slowly realizing his dream of being this guy: http://www.layoutlocator.com/graphics/dldimg/c1ac7cf823d06372fc1bd3279e635798_knife-mouth.jpg