Tone Tank Is Gonna Be A Movie Star

25 July 2012

Tone Tank’s gonna be in a movie. A comedy. For serious. Above: Tone on the set of Newlyweeds with star Amari Cheatom and director Shaka King. So what is this movie? According to the Newlyweeds facebook page: “A stoner couple struggles to get by, get high, and get lost.”

Newlyweeds is also the first feature film by Shaka King (the tall guy in the pic). You may know Shaka from his work directing Tone Tank and Scott Thorough in the Forties video, or from way back when he directed the Iller Than Theirs video for Razor Bumps.

So now you have 2 reasons to go to the Newlyweeds facebook page and click the like button. That way you can stay updated with all the deets as this story develops.

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